Meeting Notes - Add, Re-title and Delete

Note pages are a great place to keep extra information. You can view this note during your meeting and pull up a note tile right on your workspace.

Create a Note

Outside of a meeting

  1. Click Meetings in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Edit Meeting on the gear icon button to the right of your meeting
  3. Click Meeting Archive.
  4. Click Notes along the top.
  5. Click Add Note.
  6. Give your Note a title and click Save.

During a meeting

  1. Click Meetings in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Edit Meeting on the gear icon button to the right of your meeting
  3. Click Meeting Archive.
  4. Click Notes along the top.
  5. Click on your note to expand it.
  6. Click on the title.
  7. Update the title (click away to exit editing).
  8. Your title is automatically saved and updated.

Re-title a Note

  1. Click Meetings in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Edit Meeting on the gear icon button to the right of your meeting
  3. Click Meeting Archive.
  4. Click Notes along the top.
  5. Click on your note to expand it.
  6. Click on the title.
  7. Update the title (click away to exit editing).
  8. Your title is automatically saved and updated.

Delete a Note


Once deleted, a note cannot be restored. You may want to export the data before deletion: Exporting data

  1. Click Meetings in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Edit Meeting on the gear icon button to the right of your meeting
  3. Click Meeting Archive.
  4. Click Notes along the top.
  5. Click on your note.
  6. Click the trashcan icon on the right.

Other Actions

Important Information

If you have the note tile pulled up on your Workspace, it will not disappear after you delete the note following the steps above. You must delete the note tile on your workspace by clicking the three dots located at the top right of the tile. 

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