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How to Run a Weekly Meeting in Bloom Growth

Starting Your Meeting
Check-In Section
Metrics Section
Goals Section
Headlines Section
To-Dos Section
Issues Section
Tangent Alert Feature
Wrap-Up Section
Finalizing the Meeting

Running a weekly meeting in Bloom Growth ensures that your team remains aligned, focused, and productive. Follow these steps to conduct your meeting seamlessly:

Starting Your Meeting 

  1. Navigate to the Meetings List:

    • From the left-hand navigation bar, click on Meetings List and select the meeting you wish to run.

  2. Click Start Meeting:

    • Once you start the meeting, the side navigation bar will collapse, giving you a clean and organized workspace to navigate through the meeting agenda.

Check-In Section

  • Begin with the Check-In section. This is an opportunity for team members to share updates or participate in an icebreaker activity:

    • Choose between the traditional check-in format or generate an icebreaker question to spark engagement.

    • Manage attendance by marking participants present or absent and displaying team member names.

    • Review the Bloom Tip of the Week for helpful insights.

    For more details please see: The Check-In

Metrics Section

  • In the Metrics section, review your team’s performance data from the previous week:

    • Discuss key metrics and identify any areas of concern or success.

    • Create context-aware issues or context-aware to-dos directly related to specific metrics to keep your team focused on actionable items.

    • Review the Metrics Chart.

Once all metrics have been reviewed, click Goals to move forward.

Goals Section

  • Evaluate quarterly priorities and progress in the Goals section:

    • Company-wide goals are labeled as BP (Business Plan) for easy identification.

    • Mark each goal as On Track, Off Track, or Completed based on its current status.

    • Create context-aware issues or context-aware to-dos to address any challenges or next steps.

    • You can also add and review details and manage the Milestones. 

Headlines Section

  • Share key announcements or updates in the Headlines section:

    • Recognize achievements with kudos or shout-outs.

    • Share important updates or news that impacts the team.

    • Quickly create context-aware issues or context-aware to-dos for follow-up actions.

To-Dos Section

  • Review and manage tasks from the previous week in the To-Dos section:

    • Confirm the completion of to-dos and address any overdue items.

    • Create context-aware issues for unresolved or problematic tasks that need further discussion.

Issues Section

  • Navigate to the Issues section to address and prioritize challenges. In the Issues section, you can address and prioritize challenges effectively. This section provides the following features:

    • View and Sort Issues: Organize issues added throughout the week by sorting them into columns or categories, such as Short-Term, Long-Term, Recently Solved Issues, and those sent to other meetings.

    • Star Voting and Prioritization: Use these tools to decide which issues to tackle during the meeting.

    • Add Quick Issues: Create new issues on the fly for immediate discussion.

    • Merge Similar Issues: If there are issues with overlapping content or the same idea, you can merge them to streamline your discussions. To merge issues:

      • Click the three dots located at the top-right corner of the screen.

      • Select Merge Issues from the dropdown menu.

      • Choose the issues you want to combine, and the system will create a single issue containing the notes from all selected items.

Tangent Alert Feature

The Tangent Alert feature is designed to keep meetings on track. Here’s how it works:

  • Anonymous Usage: Any team member can trigger the Tangent Alert without their identity being revealed, ensuring a non-judgmental approach to maintaining focus.

  • Unlimited Use: The Tangent Alert can be used as many times as needed during the meeting, allowing the team to refocus whenever necessary.

  • Ease of Access: Simply click the Tangent Alert button at any point if the discussion veers off-topic.

Wrap-Up Section

  • Conclude the meeting in the Wrap-Up section:

    • Create any last-minute to-dos or action items.

    • Review the list of new to-dos created during the meeting and resolved issues.

    • Collect feedback from attendees using the Meeting Feedback tool, where team members rate the meeting from 1 to 10.

  • For more details please see: Meeting Wrap-up

Finalizing the Meeting

Before closing the meeting, ensure the following actions are completed:

  • Include the email summary for all attendees.

  • Attach meeting notes for future reference.

  • Archive completed to-dos and headlines to maintain a clean agenda for the following week.

Click Wrap Up to officially conclude the meeting.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your weekly meetings in Bloom Growth are both effective and efficient, helping your team stay aligned and achieve their goals.